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Blurbs Sell Books

Mar 5, 2020

Today on the show, author Jim Heskett and copywriting guru Abigail Dunard tackle an author-submitted blurb to dissect it and understand how to write great sales copy. Here are this episode’s read-along selections:

(View Jim's Primary Target video here)

To watch video of this episode, view it on Facebook at Best Page Forward.


Author: Lisa Marshall

Title: Toddler Discipline Tips: The Complete Parenting Guide With Proven Strategies To Understand And Managing Toddler's Behavior, Dealing With Tantrums, And ... Communication With Kids (Positive Parenting) 


Are you making this common parenting mistake?

The first three years of life are when your child's most dramatic brain development occurs. During these early years, parents have the profound opportunity to nurture their child’s cognitive, social, and emotional development through connected, responsive parenting.

This guide seeks to support parents of toddlers by offering a glimpse into their child's rapidly developing brain, an overview of typical developmental milestones, and guidelines for setting developmentally appropriate expectations (“When is my son old enough to know how to share his toys?” “Why does my daughter run away when I tell her to sit down?”).

We will practice evidence-based positive discipline strategies to navigate challenging toddler behaviors and set appropriate limits while maintaining a strong connection with your child through the toddler years.

In Toddler Discipline Tips, you’ll discover:

  • The ultra-simple but critical “trick” to getting your kids to listen to you. If you don’t do this you’re missing out on an easy way to improve your success rate when dealing with your kids.
  • The crucial emotional bridge you MUST establish with your child before you try to change their behavior.
  • Discover a common language mistake that you’re probably making now. I’ll show you what the mistake is and how to fix it. This mistake is actually increasing the chance that your child does the opposite of what you want!
  • The only real reason your kids are not already well behaved.
  • Find out what technique most parents use far too often, making it almost completely useless. When you fix this mistake you’re going to get much better results!
  • The one word you are probably abusing, which triggers those awful temper tantrums
  • And MUCH MORE...

Ah, don't forget! As a bonus, you will receive the Toddler Behavior Cheat Sheet to deal with the 5 most critical behaviors.

Thousands of parents, teachers, and therapists have successfully used these tips. They work with all types of kids on almost any unwanted behavior.

You’ll be able to apply the tips you learn from this book immediately.

Just scroll up and click on Add to Cart!


--Abigail's Targeted Tip:


Review your nonfiction blurb for instances of “you” and “your” compared to less personal terms (“parents”, “caretakers”, etc.). Are there any places where you can add a personal touch?


(View Jim's Primary Target video here)

Want to submit your own blurb for consideration? Fill out the form at or send an email to