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Blurbs Sell Books

Sep 3, 2020

Today on the show, author Jim Heskett and copywriting guru Abigail Dunard tackle an author-submitted blurb to dissect it and understand how to write killer sales copy. 

To watch video of this episode, view it on Facebook at Best Page Forward.

Here are this episode’s read-along selections:


Author: Elisavet Arkolaki

Title: How to Raise Confident Multicultural Children: Ideas and practical advice from diverse professionals for even greater success raising happy mixed heritage kids


'A must-read for all educators, parents, and everyone involved in the education of children. Inspiring!' - Lenia Tavares, Mum, Foreign Languages Teacher, Language and Communication Impairment in Children Specialist, B.Sc., M.Sc.


How to Raise Confident Multicultural Children is the uniquely empowering guidebook to the bilingual/multilingual and multicultural parenting journey. It includes practical tips and ideas from diverse professionals, for even greater success raising confident and resilient kids of mixed ethnic backgrounds. It includes full chapter contributions by Dr. Ute Limacher-Riebold, Dr. Brigitte Vittrup, Dr. Mary-Pat O'Malley-Keighran, Rita Rosenback, Lisa Ferland, Brian Vassallo, Tamara Yousry, Yui Mikuriya, Elisavet Arkolaki.


This book has been curated by Elisavet Arkolaki, founder of the popular parenting blog Arkolaki is also the author of the children's books 'Where am I from?', which has been illustrated entirely with street art unique to this book, and 'Happiness Street', a picture book available in several bilingual editions.




  1. Inventing identities for our multicultural children by Elisavet Arkolaki
  2. The debate over multiculturalism and what we can learn from the Canadian model by Elisavet Arkolaki
  3. My identity crisis growing up in numerous cultures by Yui Mikuriya
  4. Why urging our children to embrace different cultures and learn different languages matters by Dr. Ute Limacher-Riebold
  5. The 5 most common challenges a parent faces while raising a multicultural kid and how to address them by Vivian Chiona, Dr. Brigitte Vittrup, Elisavet Arkolaki
  6. 5 mistakes parents make when trying to raise bilingual children by Rita Rosenback
  7. Language delays in multilingual children: what are they and what to do about them by Dr. Mary-Pat O'Malley-Keighran
  8. Raising multilingual children with additional needs abroad by Dr. Ute Limacher-Riebold
  9. Confident moms raise confident kids - On finding your tribe abroad by Lisa Ferland
  10. Media influences on children by Dr. Brigitte Vittrup
  11. The impact of culture on the education of the young by Brian Vassallo
  12. Promoting tolerance, practical tips - What we should do to enhance religious tolerance at home (parents) and at school (teachers) by Brian Vassallo
  13. Crossing the Deep Cultural Divide by Tamara Yousry
  14. The stories you should tell your multicultural kid every day by Elisavet Arkolaki
  15. A list of websites and blogs about multilingualism & multiculturalism


Praised by parents around the world...


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--Abigail's Targeted Tip:

Your list of chapters is just the beginning! Pick out the best elements and show how they can solve readers’ problems. 



Want to submit your own blurb for consideration? Fill out the form at or send an email to